Open Up About Anxiety – Let’s Talk, Medicate and Resolve Naturally

Why isn’t it easy to talk about anxiety? Why do we hesitate to open up and share our fears, inhibitions, and stress? Anxiety like many other mental ailments is often brushed under the carpet. It’s not easy to confront our fears, to talk about a sudden attack of breathlessness to people who wouldn’t understand. Sadly, people do not understand this feeling of helplessness.
In most cases, and for most people, being anxious is normal. Before you start a new job, sending your child to school for the first time, moving to an unknown city, moving to a new house can cause anxiety. For most people anxiety is anxiousness of an unknown, unseen future which they can easily overcome by pushing themselves harder towards their goal. In most cases being anxious is not worrisome. But, it can become a cause of concern when it keeps getting worse and starts hampering your day to day activities. Anxiety disorders are very common and are frequently associated with an emotional disorder.
Types of Anxiety You Need to Know About
Anxiety is an umbrella term used for several types of emotional responses. The types you should know about are –
- Phobia – It is excessive fear of something, some situation, some activity. Most people have some type of phobia, and there are many!
- Panic Disorder – When a person experiences recurring panic attacks at the oddest or times, for no apparent reason
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – Irrational need to repeatedly do something, like cleaning the house
- Social Anxiety Disorder – Fear of social situations, especially of being judged
- Illness Anxiety Disorder – Most know this as hypochondria or the fear for one’s own health and well-being
- Separation Anxiety Disorder – The fear of being away from one’s loved ones and home
- Post-traumatic Stress Disorder – It is the anxiety which follows a traumatic event.
What Happens During an Anxiety Attack
It is difficult to simply list a few things one can experience during an anxiety attack. That’s mostly because an attack of an emotional form can happen in many forms. Some may feel butterflies in their stomach, some experience quickening of their heartbeats, while for many others it could be trouble sleeping. But what most and invariably happens during an anxiety attack is that a person is gripped by an unexplainable fear or worry. Many a time a person can have an anxiety attack is a perfectly calm environment, around loved ones and in a normal situation.
How To Relieve Anxiety?
If you are facing anxiety does it mean you have to live with it forever? Certainly not! There is a lot of help from you. Talk to people you are comfortable with. Seek medical help. Take medication, if required. There will be many questions you would want answers to.
How to relieve anxiety fast – it is one of the most asked questions.
You must understand that there isn’t an easy, readymade solution to anxiety. If you can recognize the symptoms yourself, the first thing you need to do is talk about it. Open up. Share your insecurities.
Why Talking about Anxiety is Important
Anxiety is so closely linked to normal, everyday anxiousness that to understand why you are having an attack, and when it’s just a natural reaction to an unforeseen situation is difficult. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t want to identify the problem if it happens repeatedly. If you experience panic attacks quite often, talk about it – either to your doctor or a family member or a friend. Talk to anyone who is close to you. It is not easy experiencing an uncomfortable emotional situation all alone. But what is even more difficult is attempting to hide it. Do not do so. Talking will relieve your anxiety, will give you a solution, and make you feel better.
If you are on the other side of the table and are the listener, your job is to act responsibly. You may not be an expert in the field of mental health, but as a close associate to the person suffering, it is your duty to speak responsibly. Listen before you comment. Do not ridicule the person or his/her emotional troubles. Even if what he/she is undergoing seems trivial to you, do not say so. Try to understand why the person is undergoing such turmoil. Most importantly, if you are unable to help, please ask the person to consult a professional.
Relieve Anxiety Naturally
How to get anxiety relief There are ways to relieve anxiety naturally, without popping in antidepressant pills. While it is easy to buy over-the-counter antidepressant pills, it is advisable to opt for natural, herbal supplements.
But the bigger question is when to seek anxiety relief? When should you start taking herbal supplements? It is advised that you consult your doctor before taking any steps. You must also keep an open mind before starting any herbal supplements. Since we are essentially talking about alternative therapy, you may hesitate to use them. Natural ingredients have been used for hundreds of years in various civilizations for curing varying ailments. They work thus they continue to be popular. Accompanied by a proper diet, disciplined lifestyle, proper sleep, less alcohol, less caffeine, and lesser stress, you can start feeling the effects of alternative medicines quite soon. Keep an open mind to feel the effect.
What Are Natural Anxiety Supplements Made Of?
Natural anxiety supplements can be made of several naturally-occurring ingredients. But what is most commonly found in these supplements are –
- Ashwagandha – It is one of the prominent herbs in Ayurveda and has been in use for thousands of years. As herbal adaptogens, it is known to help the metabolic and adrenal systems. It helps in reducing anxiousness and helps the body build stress resistance capability.
- B-Vitamins– There are eight compounds in the Vitamin-B family, all of which play important roles in the production of neurotransmitters and serotonin. These vitamins helps ease stress and anxiety.
- Magnesium– Magnesium is considered one of the best anxiety relieving supplements. Magnesium aids in relaxing the body and unblocking the antagonistic nerves which arecongested due to anxiety.
- Chamomile – The soothing herb is known for its stress relieving effects. The flower from which chamomile is extracting has hydroxylates, phenols, flavonoids and sesquiterpene essential oils – all helpful in calming the nerves.
- St. Johns Wort– This works as a positive influence on mood. The main ingredient in St. John’s Wort is Hypericin which works as a natural serotonin, helping the brain deal with anxiety and stress.
Do not fear an anxiety attack. It can happen to anyone. But hiding or ignoring it isn’t going to help. seek help, talk. Let the conversation begin.